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Drybar Conditioner Liquid Glass Smoothing Conditioner
Unsere Empfehlungen
I have been using the shampoo and conditioner together for a couple of weeks and drybar really do deliver on the promise of smooth and shiny hair! My hair feels moisturised even in the dry winter air and has incredible shine. I have fine hair and it did not feel weighted down just more controlled and smooth. That said the product is really difficult to get out of the bottle. I started storing the bottles upside down and unscrew the whole top rather than try to squeeze it out of the nozzle.
I really liked this product at home. It makes my hair and my daughter's hair very easy to brush. After using different styling products with the conditioner my hair recovers quickly. It doesn't weigh my hair down and I style it easily after it dries.
Much like the same brand shampoo the consistency appeared dry on scalp and not smooth like most conditioner. Although after drying hair it did feel smooth and less frizzy and good condition. However it became greasy very quickly .
This conditioner literally leaves your hair like silk. I’ve been using it in conjunction with the shampoo and my hair is the best it has been in a long time. I feel like this duo is made for my hair type I have long bleached straight hair. It leaves your hair feeling sleek and smooth but also a feeling of strength. For the first time in my life I don’t need to apply any serum as it leaves a lovely glossy finish.
Die reichhaltige, aber leichte Formel macht das Haar handhabbar und weich, während sie ein glattes, glänzendes und frizzfreies Finish bietet.
- Glänzendes, frizzfreies Finish
- Ohne Parabene, Sulfate und Phthalate. Tierversuchsfrei
- Ideal für alle Haartypen
Blanc-Duft mit Noten von Kokosnuss, Amber und Vanille.
Wichtige Inhaltsstoffe
Veganes Keratin
Ein stark feuchtigkeitsspendendes Protein, das hilft, die Haarstruktur zu versiegeln, zu stärken und zu glätten.
Glättet, hilft Frizz zu verhindern und verleiht ein glänzendes, glänzendes Finish.
Hilft, das Haar zu erweichen und die Handhabbarkeit zu verbessern, ohne es zu beschweren.
Für beste Ergebnisse 1-5 Minuten einwirken lassen, bevor du das Produkt ausspülst.