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Scandinavian Biolabs Mittel gegen Haarausfall Bio-Pilixin® Hair Strength Shampoo für Frauen
Unsere Empfehlungen
Carmen Rosset
Sehr sehr gutes Shampoo. Haare fühlen sich weich und auch kräftig an. Bin sehr zufrieden. ❤️
Ich benutze es seit einem Monat und ich habe keine Veränderungen bemerkt, außer dass ich meine Haare seltener waschen muss.
I am really happy with this shampoo. Perfectly cleanses the scalp without drying out. The hair is shiny and soft. And most importantly for me, I noticed that it stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. After 3 weeks of use I notice that my young hair is growing which I haven't seen in a long time and my hair falls out much less . I'm overjoyed!
Oke so my hair is very long and i mean long it comes down to my hips but at the front and on top its thinning, so that's why the scandinavian biolabs caught my eye. Because it's so long I very difficult when it comes to the shampoo but this is a game changer. I have soft water but after using the shampoo and conditioner it felt strong, softer and clean in a way I've never had before. Im obsessed 😍 I just love these products ❤