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Scandinavian Biolabs Haarwuchsmittel Bio-Pilixin® Haarwachstum Serum für Frauen
Unsere Empfehlungen
I have been using the product on my thinning hair daily for four months now. Can’t say that I saw any immediate results, but can report that I now see increased growth of new, thick hair in the front. I think there was less hair loss as well. I believe this product takes time and patience. Customer support was very friendly and helpful. I like it that the serum bottle is now bigger, as the product previously didn’t last a month. Curious to see my hair after 5 months and especially when spring begins.
I bought this product in the hope that it would help regrowth on alopecia patches. I have only been using the product for about a month and there has been a tiny bit of regrowth on one patch - would this have happened anyway, who knows. Hopefully I will see regrowth happen on the other areas in the next couple of months. Product is easy to use and arrived in good time.
My wife has been using for just a month so far. It is too soon to review the product. She has been experiencing a bit more hairfall, but I assume it is common. We have to use it longer to review.
I have been using this for the past 4 months. I was experiencing worrying hair loss and my hair was thinning. Now my hair looks full and healthy and has stopped falling out. The only things I have a minus about is that you need to use 3 full pipettes a day but the pipette does not suck up a full pipette so the amount is tricky to monitor in addition the bottle is a few days short of one months supply. However, I am very pleased with the results, I have subscribed, so my bottles are automatically sent and though seem expensive this product is worth the outlay and I am so pleased that I have recommended it to friends who are experiencing menopause and therefore the same problems with their hair. I would definitely advise you to buy but be patient and try it for at least a few months. I am now going to try their eyelash serum!